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Crystal & Sage Retreat
Focused on connecting black women to nature and themselves and a chance to relax, unwind and reset. The Crystal & Sage retreat offers attendees black women-centered workshops, yoga and healing activities and the opportunity practice holistic self-care in a community with people who mirror them.
Employment & Wellness Program
The Employment & Wellness Program is a 10-week pre-employment and life-skills development program targeted to youth ages 18-29, who experience barriers to accessing employment and who are out of school and/or out of work. Delivered in partnership with Toronto Community Housing Corporation, Love & Guidance Project and Black Mental Health Visibility, the program helps youth develop and understand their skills, identify their place in the labor market, and recognize their potential contributions to employers. It will also look at wellness strategies for job retention to ensure that they are able to sustain employment long-term.
Young Women’s Circle
The Young Women’s Circle is an 8-week, summer camp, for racialized girls, ages 14-18, that provides opportunities to engage in educational, arts, fitness and leadership-focused activities.