Training and Consulting Services

The Black Women in Motion team provides organizations and businesses support in developing programs, tools, resources, and environments, that are de-colonial, anti-racist, survivor-centred, and culturally relevant.

Over the last eleven years, we’ve worked with numerous academic institutions, agencies, and non-profit and corporate organizations to design and facilitate JEDI/ABR workshops and gender-based violence programs and initiatives.

2025 Workshop List

  1. Anti-Oppression 101 & 201

  2. Confronting White Supremacy at Work

  3. Divesting from Whiteness: Colourism, Texturism, Featurism, Misogynoir and Anti-Blackness

  4. Rape Culture 101 & 201

  5. Consent 101

  6. Healthy Relationships

  7. Consent for Kids

  8. Introduction to Gender-based Violence, Intersectionality and the Law

  9. Decolonizing Gender

  10. Creating Brave and Inclusive Spaces

  11. Cyber Safety: Technology Facilitated Gender-based Violence and Digital Consent

  12. Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation

  13. Survivor Justice: Looking Beyond Carceral Systems

  14. Bystander Intervention

  15. Sex Positivity & Reclaiming Pleasure 101 & 201

  16. Self-care, Healing and Resiliency

Looking for something else? Our team has the expertise and experience to design an interactive customized workshop to meet your training needs. Our customized workshops can be live in-person, offered through a live video conferencing platform, entirely online, or a combination of all three.

For inquiries or to book a workshop, please contact us at


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